Hearing aids that fit entirely within the ear canal are known as completely-in-the-canal (CIC) hearing aids. These hearing aids use small components and don’t protrude into the outer ear.
ITE hearing aids are used for mild-to-severe hearing loss. As the name suggests, these aids sit entirely within the ear. Because they’re made to fit you snugly, you’ll need to have an impression taken of your ear.
These models are smaller than standard BTE models and are available for mild to severe hearing loss. They can be worn comfortably behind the ear. These models are available in many different colours, styles and designs.
BTEs are used for all types of hearing loss from mild to profound. In these devices, the electronics and receiver are mounted in a banana-shaped case, and the sound is passed via a tube to a custom ear mould. While they are still discreet to wear, they’re also typically more powerful than ITE varieties.
It’s not just a great hearing aid. It’s a multifunctional marvel.
Maximum reliability and robustness with a clear, rich sound experience and multifunctionality.
Combining world’s first technological innovations and child-specific designs to support children of all ages. Coming early 2020.
The 5th generation of the world’s most trusted power hearing aid.
The world’s first hearing aids with Biometric Calibration.
The super-discreet custom hearing aids made from titanium.
Delivers solid performance in a multitude of hearing situations.
Picks up sounds and voices from the bad ear and wirelessly transmit them to the good ear.
The first 100% invisible hearing aid. It can be worn 24/7 for months at a time.
The majority of people who suffer from a hearing loss can benefit from hearing aids. Hearing aids can significantly improve the wearer’s ability to communicate and can return the hearing impaired to a full and active lifestyle. With hearing aids most people can hear their family and friends more easily and enjoy being in group conversations without constantly asking people to repeat themselves. They can watch TV at a normal volume, hear warning signals and hear more easily in phone conversations.
Hearing aids improves the quality of life in most cases and reduces the negative impact of hearing loss. On the other hand, the quality of life suffers when hearing impairment is left untreated.
A recent study found that people with hearing problems who did not wear hearing aids were more likely to experience feelings sadness, depression, anxiety, paranoia, emotional problems, insecurity and reduced social activities.
This study also found that people who started wearing hearing aids reported significant improvements in their quality of life. Those whose hearing loss was treated by hearing aids reported the following benefits:
Another benefit of wearing hearing aids is preserving the quality of your hearing and reducing the risk of auditory deprivation. As a result of a continued lack of sound stimulation, auditory deprivation, the brain gradually loses some of its ability to process information including speech.
Auditory deprivation most often occurs when the ear goes unaided over a long period of time – so the earlier you consider wearing hearing aids, the better your chances are of minimising this risk.